Building Asset Register

A condition survey provides an assessment of physical mechanical, plumbing and electrical equipment conditions within a building or complex. The survey will identify deficiencies and maintenance issues including, but not limited to mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, site layout, site utilities, storm water management and life safety systems. 

To facilitate an informed decision-making process a condition survey should result in a clear understanding of the current condition of operating systems within the building. Condition survey reports are commonly used to clarify the condition of equipment or services in a building or complex in the process of being bought or sold.  

A preliminary condition survey would include a review of existing documentation such as construction drawings, specifications, reports and calculations. During a preliminary condition survey Balrath Engineering would visually inspect the site and building services.         

After a preliminary condition survey has been completed a detailed survey may be requested to gather and document additional detail that will be necessary to prepare renovation drawings to upgrade or replace defective mechanical or plumbing equipment and services.

A detailed condition survey would also include; maintenance history review, building compliance research, testing of operating systems, design and performance criteria definition, load capacity calculations and schematic drawings of existing plant and services. All this information would be processed, analysed and detailed in a report along with conclusions and recommendations.

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